I use StikkiCLIPS ($6 for 20) to temporarily place printed recipes on the cupboard door right in my line of sight. When I’ve finished cooking, I easily remove the clip from the cupboard. The recipe isn’t covered in stains. And the door doesn’t have any permanent marks from the clip. Rather than traditional adhesive, the back of the clip has a bit of wax-like substance on it. This substance does get used up as you use the clip (I’ve used one clip as much as two dozen times). However, the clips don’t mar the surface you’ve clipped it to — in my case, the kitchen cupboard door looks good as new. I’ve also used the clips for other projects to keep whatever paper I’m using off my work space, but still in my line of sight. Another use: I put a clip in the driver’s side corner of my windshield, where it holds parking stubs, so the Parking Control Officer can spot them easily and so the stub doesn’t get blown out of the dashboard when I close the car door. The package cover says “the best way to hang papers anywhere.” I think they’re right.
[This is a Cool Tools Favorite from 2008]